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The lean UX approach

每个企业都在努力改进,这样才能产生更多的销售额,提供更好的客户服务, or to rebrand in order to keep up with moving times. 

每项业务的数字元素都是一个持续的过程,你的网站应该是一个不断发展的中央信息枢纽. 网站设计已经从“启动它并离开它”的方法转变为定期优化, so it remains fit for purpose.

大多数企业认为优化是困难的,需要不断的金融投资,这对小企业来说可能是昂贵的. Another common preconception is that, 增强你的网站可能是一个冗长的过程,用户体验真的很复杂. Some elements are complicating. 但是有一些方法可以在小范围内使用用户体验,从而从现有的数字策略中获得更好的结果.

Part of lean UX is continuous optimisation

“网站设计已经从‘发布它,然后离开它’的方法转变为持续优化”Rob Hufton - Higher Ground UX Agency

用户体验设计并不一定是一个涉及数字架构师的冗长练习, customer behaviour experts or specialist research teams. 任何企业都可以通过使用精益用户体验智能来改进他们的在线策略, which diagnoses and treats the problem. 这个过程被分解成小块,与敏捷方法一致,允许有机增长.


Most companies' want to do better from online. 你可能想吸引更多的顾客,这样你就能卖出更多的产品. This takes not only highly effective Search Engine Marketing, but effective UX to not only lower bounce rates, but keep users in the sales funnel. 

你可能需要用品牌给人留下深刻印象,并让读者了解公司的精神. 这在招聘中尤其重要,因为游戏正从根本上向求职者倾斜. Job boards are becoming less effective, 因此,公司不得不更加努力地给潜在的求职者留下深刻印象. 

What could the problem be?

大多数公司都希望通过吸引更多的客户来产生在线业务,从而销售更多的产品或服务. To do this successfully, 需要高度个性化的搜索引擎营销,并有效地做到这一点, 用户体验是降低跳出率和保持用户在销售漏斗的必要条件. 


If these important strategies are not in place, 你的在线业务有保持静态的风险,高跳出率不太可能转化为实际的客户.

What processes are involved in lean UX?

Understanding audiences/User research

Do you know who your customers are? 你了解登陆你网站的用户的需求吗? 为了吸引用户的注意力,深入了解这些问题对您的业务至关重要. Once you know who they are, you should know what they want to do. Creating user personas helps you understand your customers.  

Top task analysis

  • What do your customers want to do? 

  • Why do they need to change? 

  • What’s important to them? 

  • How do you reach customers?

列出任何公司的主要目标都是了解客户优先级的好方法. Again, think lean. 列一个相对较短的10个高优先级项目的清单,可以帮助你减少优先级最高的任务. 

An example of top tasks could be;

  • I want to see you work with companies like mine

  • I want to see you have an office near me

  • I want to know that using an external company could save costs

User testing

用户测试并不需要花费大量的时间. Many companies wrongly assume user testing is a costly exercise. Jakob Nielsen 正确地认为大规模的用户测试是不必要的,最好的结果来自于只测试5个用户.

Mapping & Wire-framing


We use Figma for collaborative wire-framing, 但有很多工具可以用于线框,不需要像Balsamiq和Moqup这样的数字设计师技能.




写一个吸引人的标题,与用户联系起来,人们就会感兴趣. 一旦你有了他们的兴趣,你的网站应该引导他们进行一个用户友好的旅程. 尽量避免冗长的段落,因为它们很少被彻底阅读,而且会产生相反的效果,让用户直接离开. 图片或图像加上简短的文字和易于理解的内容是吸引用户注意力的最简单方法.


使用来自InVision等网站的UI和UX模板可以减少设计时间. 定制图标需要花费时间,所以值得寻找图标库. All can be found on a simple Google search.


The largest element of Lean UX is deployment and testing. This means, when you’re ready to release, 测试你的产品或服务,分析未来发布的数据.

Continuous optimisation

So many people ask the same question. Can you fix my website quickly? The usual answer is no. Only by learning can we improve.

我们永远不可能在第一次迭代中获得一个正确的网站或数字营销活动. But we can learn. Once we understand what's happening, 我们可以审查数据和客户信息,然后采取措施加强. The process is known and Continuous Optimisation. The old launch and forget approach to website design is gone. All website owners should be analysing their website and it's performance as a business tool. Continuous Optimisation helps make for solid online strategies.

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